i miss youuuuuu =(

El otro dia me llamó una persona muy ultra especial para mi, desde muy ultra lejos.....

Me cayó la teja de que no quiero a esta persona como un simple amigo no más, sino que me encantaría tenerlo como algo mas que eso...

No nos conocemos hace mucho tiempo, y nunca dejamos en claro el tipo de relación que tenemos, me encantaría tenerlo frente a mi para poder decirle todas estas cosas a la cara... Me encantaría tener la oportunidad de decirle cuanto cariño le he tomado en el ultimo tiempo y cuanto me encantaria que estuviera en Chile para ver si algo resulta entre nosotros....

Ayer fui a al Alto con una amiga y entré a la Feria del Disco a cotizar el compac de la Katy Perry... Fui extremadamente dichosa cuando vi que costaba solamente 6 lucas. Ni tonta, ni perezosa, me lo compré y apenas llegué a mi casa lo puse a todo chancho...

La primera canción me recordó de sobre manera la persona mencionada arriba, ya que tengo presentimiento que es la visión erronea que esta persona tiene de mi...

One of the boys (Katy Perry)

I saw a spider
I didn't scream
Cause I can belch the alpahbet
just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
and I'd take these suckers down
cause they just get in my way.

The way you look at me
is kind of like a little sister.
Not like a good vice
and it leaves me nothing but blisters.

So I don't wanna beone of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
one of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.

So over the summer something changed.
I started reading seventeen
and shaving my legs.
and I studied aveda religiously
and I walked right into school
and caught you staring at me.

CauseI don't want you no
but now you're going to have to take a number
It's okay, maybe one day
but not until you give me my diamond ring.

CauseI don't want to be one of the boy-oy-oy-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
your homecoming queen
their poster dream
not one of the boys

I wanna be a flower not a dirty ring
I wanna smell like roses, not a baseball team.
And I swear maybe one day, you're gunna wanna
make out, make out, make out with me.

I don't wanna be, don't wanna be, don't wanna be, cause I don't wanna be, one of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to beone of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.

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